Research Projects


Digital Asset Modelling with Neutral Data Formats

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Alexandra Witzke

Alexandra Witzke

DIAMOND (Digital Asset Modelling with Neutral Data Formats) is developing a shared data model for the digital engineering of production facilities, with the aim of shortening project durations. This will enable a faster integration of new vehicles and propulsion technologies into manufacturing plants.

The automotive industry is undergoing a multifaceted transformation. Technological innovations are increasing the complexity of products and necessitate their rapid integration into the production system. Connected digital twins of the production system are often considered the ideal solution. To ensure data consistency, extensive standards for data structures and data exchange technologies are necessary. Furthermore, the Digital Twin will only become a reality if all stakeholders recognize the benefits and actively pursue the transformation into a digitized world.

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For a more in-depth understanding of the DIAMOND project, its objectives, and ongoing progress, we invite you to visit the official DIAMOND project website. There, you'll find extensive resources and updates that provide a more comprehensive view of our mission and advancements.

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